10. Boys with vulva and girls with penis

This time we will work on transgender. It may seem a difficult topic to work on but still necessary to understand the reality of our people.

First af all, we will explain the topic, evaluation criteria and final task. We will also review our pedagogical contract.

This video explains pretty well what is transgender and clarrifies some concepts that are crucial to understand it.

Key concepts to understand what transgender is, you can check on this interesting website

GENDER: how we express masculinity and femininity regardless our biological anatomy.

SEX: sex is what everyone is biologically born as male or female

TRANSGENDER: when your gender identity (how you feel) is different than what doctors/midwives assigned to you when you were born (girl or boy)

We will also read a very interesting story about a trans girl called I am jazz! Here you have the video:

After clarifiying the concepts to understand transgender, we will prepare an interview for a worker of the association Naizen. They will answer to all our questions and doubts. Here you have the model for writing the interview:

Interview day!

Today we will make a mural with the definitions and carry out a coevaluation activiy.

In groups we will rehearse the presentation and carry out a coevaluation activity. 

Presentation day!


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