3. No more violence against women!

From working on multilingualism we are moving to commit ourselves regarding equal rights among men and women. In this unit we will be working on Violence Against Women. It is going to be a tough way but for sure rather gratifiying.

Before starting, we will explain the topic, evaluation criteria and final task. We will also review the pedagogical contract.

What comes to your mind when you see this picture?

This video made us reflect a lot about the situation some girls unfortunately live.


Now we will prepare an interview. A worker of Emakunde will explain us all our doubts and questions. Here you have the model for writing the interview:

Carrying out an interview:

We are going to start rehearsing our play. We will be inspired in this story. Watch out! Little Red Riding Hood runs away from the book!

Here you have part of the plot translated to English.

And finally it is time for presentations!


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