7. Maddi was crying byherself in the toilet

In this project we will work on bullying. We will undestand the phenomenon, identify its aspects and fight against it! In order to deep into the topic, have a look to this great material and web page.

First of all, we will explain the topic, evaluation criteria and final task. We will also review our pedagogical contract.

To get started we will watch the following video:

After watching it, we will define what bullying is.

What is bullying? We will make a definition of bullying. 

Where does it happen? We will think of where it happens. 

If you see bullying... we will think of things we do if we see bullying. 

We will listen to this Anti-Bullying song!

What can I do?

Things we do to prevent bullying. Students will write down five things we do to prevent bullying. Then they will gather in groups and create a Decalogue. 

Here you have the Decalogue model:

Now it is time to make a mural with the Decalogue written:

It is presentation day. You may find the model they need to make the presentation:


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